A continuation of the concept of the [new electrics] points us toward the 1953 to 1956 [breakthrough point] for the [shadow (black ops) government/space alien reverse engineeri! ng]. At some time in those ...
Stay with me here.
A particle accelerator has been smashing atoms for nearly 50 (33 years according to the university in a page on the current accelerator) years at the Edwards Particle Accelerator Laboratory at Ohio University in Athens, OH. Now, Truck drivers and Travelers on I-70 between Columbus Oh and Wheeling Wva have been reporting anomalies on that section of highway for 40 years. Those anomalies are similar to ones described in this article here. http://halfpasthuman.com/tOne wonders if there are not distortions, effects or anomalies occurring near other accelerator installations.
the Ohio installation is small after all. I must add here that I have no stories or data for I-77 which also bounds the installation.
I would appreciate the input of others relating to this subject and similar occurrences.
Structure contour map on the Precambrian unconformity surface in Ohio and related basement features.
a Direct Computation of Gravity and Magnetic Anomalies Caused by 2- and 3-DIMENSIONAL Bodies of Arbitrary Shape and Arbitrary Magnetic Polarization by Equivalent-Point Method and a Simplified Cubic Spline
My personal experience entailed arriving at Columbus a full 30 minutes early. That was only one experience in 25 years of traveling that road. It was not a singular occurrence. All of my experience are almost verbatim of the "lensing effect" as described in the Time Creep post.
Hyperchronism starts appearing after the vernal equinox. It
seems there is going to be an energy wave coming through
that will sort of enlighten some people, making then hyper-
chroniacs. And the others will be confused and dazed.
Attempting to simplify Quantum physics for the lay person is way beyond my feeble skills.....These bubbles or temporal anomalies tend to move around or shift location randomly. They are most reported in or near areas of intense magnetic fields. IE: Colliders.
The Hadron super collider is of more than passing interest to me as it is the largest man ... made source of magnetism on the planet and they are trying to produce evidence of a particle that exists in a quantum state. It has been widely speculated upon and I feel that the worst that could happen is the area around the collider could be turned into a Modern Brigadoon.
Friday, July 6, 2001. Scientists and engineers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have created a dipole magnet with the field strength of 14.7 tesla, which is more than 300,000 times the strength of the earth's magnetic pull. The lab also held the previous record, set in 1997, for the world's strongest magnet. The previous magnet had a field strength of only 13.5 tesla. The magnet, called the RD-3 magnet, reached its record strength on May 16.
The testing of Said magnet was coupled with some anomalies. These are the magnets used in the Hadron machine.
While looking for the science behind the "Tin Foil" This Theory seems more correct than most.
Daniel Greenberger and Karl Svozil proposed that quantum theory gives a model for time travel without paradoxes. In quantum theory observation causes possible states to 'collapse' into one measured state; hence, the past observed from the present is deterministic (it has only one possible state), but the present observed from the past has many possible states until our actions cause it to collapse into one state. Our actions will then be seen to have been inevitable.
Though I will give a nod to: Stephen Hawking has argued that even if the many-worlds interpretation is correct, we should expect each time traveler to experience a single self-consistent timeline, so that time travelers remain within their own world rather than traveling to a different one.
Though here I will state that the "Travelers", all inhabit the same "Reality".
Conclusion for now. I know that what I and others have described on the section of highway is consistent with an anomalous event. I have only described one event witnessed by me personally in extremely brief detail. I did not wish to lead others into making false representations, Though to give folks with genuine experiences heart, I will state the following: The experience changes if you are traveling west to east than if you were traveling east to west. The effect is inconsistent in locality and timing.
I also have no flippin idea how such an event could be documented except by experiencing it first hand.
The effect is particularly strong near one exit, so much so, that it takes an effort of will not to miss it.(The Exit) symptoms include, but not limited too: Mild discomfort, mild disorientation, as the discomfort passes, You suddenly realize that you have traveled 20-30 miles. 18 others have noticed similar effects and the locals just shrug and say it happens.
I also have no flippin idea how such an event could be documented except by experiencing it first hand.
The effect is particularly strong near one exit, so much so, that it takes an effort of will not to miss it.(The Exit) symptoms include, but not limited too: Mild discomfort, mild disorientation, as the discomfort passes, You suddenly realize that you have traveled 20-30 miles. 18 others have noticed similar effects and the locals just shrug and say it happens.
Lensing effects occur near large magnetic sources.
What I have been speculating about here, is that a ready magnetic source coupling or resonating with unique natural formations and naturally
occurring magneti! c and gravitational anomalies be able to produce some sort of localized temporal type disturbance.George and Cliff will be on Noorey's show Thursday, So don't miss it.
Nothing like a good Woo Woo story to take away some of the stresses of late.
chord of a circle
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